Seeing by Illumination
"For with you is the fountain of life,
In Your light we see light." Psalm 36:9
One of probably the top 3 influential thinkers of the 21 Century; C.S. Lewis once said, "I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." Lewis was a great apologist and author, and knew the life-changing, all-illuminating power of grace in his life.
I wonder today if Christianity was to be seen through lenses, how much mud and mire would distort the view. In a world where competing truth(s) are proclaimed and defended, how much of what with Christians respond to is considered and biblically true?
How much influence has the historic doctrine of the Logos (John1:1) played in our response to postmodern thinking? In our responses, how faithful to the testimony of scripture is our defense of Christianity? Isn't it true when the late Dr. Lloyd-Jones proclaims that much of our Christianity today is quite Christ-less. Where is the foundation of understanding and reasoning when Jesus reveals that He is the way, the truth and the life? With questions pertaining to salvation do we regard Jesus as the gate of salvation to a destination (Heaven), or merely someone who opens the gate that has many roads leading from it?
In trying to ecumenical in the realm of religion, it isn't merely whether or not we lose substance, but the essensce of our faith. It would be wise to heed the words of Jesus when He says it profits a man nothing to gain the whole world, but lose everything if he didn't possess Christ as His saviour. It will be useless for Christianity to be seen in the world as a religion of tolerance, and acceptance, if the cost for doing so means we lose our essential distinction: Jesus Christ.
Thank you Josh, for stirring up my mind, and heart, for the things of Christ; you are a blessing to His church.
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