Thoughts from a Reformed and Charismatic Cambodian

Monday, July 10, 2006

A Lament

To you who read:

Pain and troubles you say, have overwhelmed and consumed the day,
As if you needed a life better than the one you’re given,
To think this view you will never start living,
The words of Piper are so sweet, that it would be shame if I not repeat
“Boasting is the voice of pride in the heart of the strong,
Self-Pity is the voice of pride in the heart of the weak.
Boasting sounds self-sufficient. Self-pity sounds self-sacrificing.”
If you don’t know the light that is shone, let me illustrate to take it home.
A Latin phrase in which I’ll share “Vincit qui patitur”
To those who don’t know this phrase,
I’ll tell you so you can save
The guilt and pit of what you feel
So you may live and start to deal.
It simply means, “He who suffers conquers”
Can you conceive the meaning of this?
Because if you then life is bliss
For when a right perspective is in place
Only then can you race the race
In such a way to win the prize
I’ll give you a glimpse to show you how
You see the boy on the other side
His silence so deafening it cannot hide
Why this pain? And how can this be?
The only answer I can see
Is I must trust in His sovereignty
That God is in control of all
To pick-up His children when they fall
Are you a real child of Christ?
Who died for our sins to pay the price,
Of eternal death which is our rightful place
But now Heaven, only by grace.
Since by grace you’ve been given eternal life,
Who do you trouble over things that are trife?
Do you not know His grace will sustain?
It never ceases so you may remain
In His bosom all of your days
Now walk in faith that you know is the way.
For narrow it is, which people don’t see
But narrow it must, for that it shall always be.
I hope this lament has helped you see,
Like the blind man, released and free.
If you haven’t I’ll pray for your sight
So you may see the joyous light.


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