Thoughts from a Reformed and Charismatic Cambodian

Monday, July 10, 2006

Do we really need Christ when everything's o.k.?

Do we really need Christ when everything is o.k.?
Why does a person need Christ when everything is o.k.?
Or a Savior who will walk with them, every single day?
Your heath is good; there is not a worry in your life
But beware, a storm is coming that will cut like a knife.
It may be small, or it may be cancer, or death
But whatever it is, it will consume, all your breath.
Are you truly happy, living just the way that you are?
O is there a longing that’s so close, so near, but so far?
Do you sometimes ponder and think; is there more to this earth?
As if you can hear there’s a groaning, an echo, a cry of new birth.
Do you sometimes worry about tomorrow, and what it may bring?
Or are all your thoughts consumed only of you, and of your things?
Do friends make you happy, will they be there at all times?
Even at your death bed, will they come on a dime?
Look in the mirror, and behold what you see before you today
And image of outer beauty, that will someday fade away.
If looks won’t last, then truly it’s your health
But if that’s the case, then why is there death?
Can money buy you all things; that are under the sun?
And take you to places, that we remember were fun.
Even memories won’t last, look at Alzheimer’s disease
That person locked up inside, just longing to be freed.
Truly we can rely on our families, for blood is thicker than wine.
But we can remember that time, when our family declined
To help us when we most needed it, and they brushed us aside
And although we stood there happy, we just wanted to hide
To run away, from the hurt and pains, hidden from all to see
And sitting there alone; weeping, crying, under a tree.
Why do you worry, about what people think of you?
As if in their eyes, they’re the one’s who determine your value.
Why do we seek love in another, if there’s nothing in the end?
You know there’s more, that’s why you want a companion and friend.
To be there for you, to care and be your support
A shield around you, your comfort, your fort.
Though you may be young, we know age brings about weakness
That in the end, there’s no light, but only a cloud of darkness.
Do you not know the brevity of life, that’s contained within you and me?
If not, just turn on the news, and see that small child , killed on t.v.
There’s pain and suffering in this world, though so far you may have none.
But trust me, from experience, we all will have some.
And when that day comes, whom can you trust and lean on?
That after the chemo, your energy, and strength are all gone.
You may not experience cancer, there are things that are far worse
Perhaps a blind person, walking aimlessly, without direction or course.
What is the meaning of life if there is no purpose behind the life we are living?
And why do we want to help the poor, by our donations and our giving?
We know deep down inside that helping others, makes us happy too
Even if because of our fear or pride, we really don’t want to admit to.
If making someone smile and laugh, or vice versa for you
Is the sum of all this life is, I hope there is more too.
Smiles come, and wrinkles with time and years
Laughs become cold, when there’s something we fear.
Is it death; loneliness, heartache, suffering, or a dark shadow of doubt?
That perhaps all these years, there lies something more that you wished you thought about
Like death, and life; what happens beyond the grave of this earth?
And you wish you were young, like a child of new birth
That has long days ahead of them, not a care in their life
Who won’t have to endure; suffering, cancer, or strife.
Don’t we all know the toil of work; that our hands always do?
And don’t we know that it’s easier, when there is not one, but two?
This life is but toil; even our happiness won’t last and endure
For this world is blind in their sight, tainted, impure.
We were never created to live forever in joy, merely in this place
But to be happy forever, with no pains, by beholding His face.
Whose face should we behold, that promises these things?
No one else, but Christ, our hope, and treasure within.
Can you really live without God, and if yes, just look at the sun
It rises every morning, and is sustained because of the power of His Son.
Who was bruised, and afflicted, pierced in His hands and His feet
It was upon that Cross, where our sins, and God’s judgment meet.
God declared us not guilty, there’s no condemnation because of our sin
And said, this is effective, if by faith, you’ll accept Christ within
Your heart, and make Him your one and only true desire and treasure
And He will bring you joy, and happiness that is beyond all measure.
I’m not saying true joy is of things of this world, and life
But better, you’ve become a part of the Church, His bride and His wife.
He will care for you, like nothing you have ever felt or seen before
And when you have sorrows and pain, an invitation hangs above the door
To come in, and pour out all your pains, requests, and things that do harm
And He will listen and answer you, by taking you under the love of His arms.
He will carry you, and you will soar like an eagle with new wings and sight
And be strengthened by His mercy, His grace, His love, and His might.
Don’t think you’ll be spared of suffering, whether cancer or from man
But have faith, wait in hope, for our God has the most perfect plan
That requires suffering, not as a curse, but really a gift
That when you experience it, your eyes may look and lift
To the Cross, where your Savior hung on that tree and died
And God is saying to you, “Wait, be still, and one day you will be glorified.”
With a new body, no more pain, or suffering, free from all sin
And Heaven’s gates will be open, with Christ walking you in.
In there is infinite joy, not a cry or tear can or will be found
And as part of your inheritance, you’ll receive a treasure; a crown
That never will fade, it’s imperishable, won’t rust nor decay
If only Christ is your anchor, your hope, and your stay.
On the Cross; Christ purchased every blessing in the spiritual realms
And the Holy Spirit will impart to His children, for God is at the helm.
You may ask yourself is not every person a child of the Creator?
The answer is no, because of our sin, we have become traitors.
Instead of trusting on God for everything we will ever need
In pride, we wanted to become gods for ourselves, indeed.
There is only one true and holy, infinite, wise, and loving One
And it is the One, who sent His only Begotten Son.
To die for His sheep, to gather those who are still lost
Even if to the point of Christ’s death, God knew the cost
It would take to wipe away all the sins we have done
Not counting them against us, but imputing them upon His Son.
He became our sins, even though He was spotless without stain
And God did not spare, even His own Son of the pain.
For He knew that without it, the guilt and sentence would still remain
Upon our heads as “guilty,” because sin is an infinite distain
Against an all holy God, whom of sin, He has no desire
No darkness within Him, He is the all-consuming fire.
Yes He is angry at sin, but even more He is loving towards us
And gives us mercy, and grace, free not that He must.
That fact that He shows mercy at all, is enough to give praise
And if you believe in Christ, on that last day you’ll be raised
Just like Christ, surrounded by infinite joy and glory
The happy ending to a long and eventful story.
But the story doesn’t end there; this was just a chapter of the whole
Because in Heaven, there are infinite chapters waiting to unfold.
Only this time paradise, without cancer, grief, pains or sorrows
And only infinite joy and happiness, tomorrow after tomorrows.
Are you still telling yourself that you don’t need Christ now?
If so, just stop and reflect, look deep within, and ask yourself how?
Will you be able to withstand all of life’s arrows that are pointed your way?
And I ask you again, who will be your anchor, your hope, and your stay?
Do you what the difference between a Christian, and a non-Christian who suffers?
A non-Christian looks to himself, and a Christian looks to Another
For help, because he knows he can’t do it by himself, and knows he isn’t alone
The suffering is but a thorn that pushes the veil aside, so God’s glory may be shone.
For a non-Christian the suffering is real and lasts
For the Christian, superficial something that will past
Perhaps not in this life, but in the life that is to come
And for the non-Christian his sufferings will not be done.
It lasts forever, in the torment of the flames of Hell
And God will not save you, no matter how hard you yell.
He is patience not wanting anyone to suffer the anguish that lies in those flames
But He does rescue us, if only by faith we’ll call upon Jesus’ name
As our Savior, our Lord, our pardon from sin we’ve done
He has become our treasure, this is God’s Son.
If we accept Christ, we have become a child of God, adopted an heir
But the benefits of what all that implies just doesn’t stop there.
All that Christ has will be ours for our infinite joy and delight
For He is able to give us this, because of His might.
What room is there left for boasting and use for this verb?
It is by grace you’ve been saved, it’s something you don’t deserve.
This grace was not cheap, but purchased bought by a price
Christ’s blood, was the ransom it cost Him His life.
So when life’s storms come crashing, to whom will you run?
Will you look for comfort in man, or a conquering and risen Son?
Right now you may only experience the calm that comes before such dread
But remember when it takes your life; God will judge the living and the dead.
And either He’ll say, “Enter my rest, good and faithful servant, my love, my delight”
Or will He’ll say, “Depart, for I never knew you, get away, forever from my sight.”
To which phrase will He say to you, when you’re dead, and you don’t know when
Will He call you a traitor, or will He call you His friend?
The moment is now, the time of horror and judgment is drawing near
If you accept Christ as your treasure, whom shall you fear?
Even if because of sin, you’ve been damaged beyond repair
Just remember, it is Christ’s imputed righteousness that you now wear.
And how do we know, that we’ll remain and won’t defect?
It is because you’re a child now, an heir, part of the elect.
God will work so mightily in your life to conform to His good pleasure and will
And He’ll give you all the grace and mercy needed to die well if the suffering does kill.


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