Thoughts from a Reformed and Charismatic Cambodian

Monday, July 10, 2006

Reflections on 1 Peter 1 & 2

Reflections on 1 Peter 1 & 2

By Christ’s wounds we were healed
And by His blood which purchased and sealed
Our inheritance, which is imperishable and undefiled
Even though if necessary we endure various trials.
Our faith, which is being tested by the fires,
Only strengthens our joy and desire.
We were once like straying sheep without direction,
Unable to know or show holy affections.
A time was appointed for the sufferings of Christ and the glories to follow
So grand a spectacle that angels long to look for tomorrow after tomorrow.
Although we have not seen Him, we love Him still
Makes the wait and the joy a greater thrill.
Though we have not seen Him, we still believe in Him
That on that glorious day not a space will be dim
With radiance of love, that is pure light
Even angels must cover their faces, for the glory’s too bright.
As an obedient child, Your standard shall be my delight
For when I see you, I shall see happiness in Your sight.
Be Holy, because You are Holy, is something I cannot do
Unless by Your grace and mercy the Holy Spirit enables me to.
I long to be with You, but as long as I remain on earth
I shall conduct myself in fear, like a child of new birth.
I’ve been redeemed not with perishables, like silver or gold
But with the blood of the spotless Christ, which no cup could hold.
By His death and resurrection, from the grave whence He depart,
Is alive and now living forever in my heart.
We are like grass, which fades and withers with the weather
But the Word of the Lord endures forever and ever.
Like newborn babies who crave pure mile from His Holy Book
And like deer who pant and drink from an endless brook,
Let me mature and be like Him who was rejected by men
Be grateful and thankful like the one leper out of ten.
Your not an ugly stone, but precious in God’s sight
Even before the ages began You were His daily delight.
I’m being built into a spiritual house that’s study and tall
For my foundation is solid, not a brick will fall.
He who believes in Him will not be disappointed
Is a treasured promise because He was anointed.
But this promise is only, for those who believe
A rock and an anchor, for our fears to be relieved.
Don’t be disobedient and fall into doom
For the time is coming, the hour very soon.
We are a chosen race, a royal priesthood
Let us share this good news to all neighborhoods.
We are a Holy nation, a people of God’s possession
Let us proclaim His great glory, by Christ’s life and death lesson.
We were once not a people, orphans with no option,
Until our loving Father told us we were His by adoption.
Not just adopted as sons and daughters, but heirs
To us He will freely give, if even His Son He did not spare.
For the Lord’s sake let us submit to every human institution in power
For obedience and long-suffering are our appointed hour.
Although we may suffer for doing good; by evil men
Let us remember they’re our neighbor, and friend.
And we will receive our prize, and the Lord’s favor
With a wreath that’s imperishable, and joy that doesn’t waver.
Let us learn from Christ’s example, who committed no sin
Only because there was no blemish, could God let us in
Into Heaven, our long awaited place,
So finally we can see Him face to face.


Blogger Aaron said...

Hey bro, who wrote all of these? Seriously, you ought to cite them so that people don't think you wrote them. That is, of course, unless you did, in fact, write them, in which case, you have been holdin' out on a brotha'! Really good stuff; I only read the first two, but I look forward to reading the rest of them after I get off work.

12:52 PM

Blogger Tony Sok said...

The poems are my works. Poetry helps me delve into the mysteries of God.

4:54 PM


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