Thoughts from a Reformed and Charismatic Cambodian

Friday, July 28, 2006

Quick thoughts on Suffering

Job 37:13-14 says, “Whether for correction (literally the rod), or for His world,
Or for loving kindness, He causes it to happen. (14) Listen to this, O Job, Stand and consider the wonders of God. The author if Job tells us to stand and consider the wonders of God. Not primarily because of suffering; whether it’s for correction, or to show God’s loving kindness, but primarily because He causes it to happen.
Let us consider Lamentations 3:37-38, “Who is there who speaks and it comes to pass, unless the Lord has commanded it? Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that both good and ill go forth?” Or Amos 3:6, “If a trumpet is blown in a city will not the people tremble? If a calamity occurs in a city has not the LORD done it?
If your like me; your thinking to yourself how do these verses affect my thinking of the doctrine of God’s sovereignty. I remember in college when I was presented a book to read, and perhaps some of your are old enough to remember when it came out back in the 80’s (Josh!), it was called When Bad Things Happen to Good People, by Rabbi Harold S. Kushner. He said that earthquakes, floods and the like that killed thousands of people were not “acts of God.” If these events which occur in the natural world aren’t governed by the hand of God, how can I take refuge in God when calamity strikes my life? How do these verses console you or perhaps cause you to question the goodness of God when calamity, suffering, or heartaches occur?

Cambodia's History and Lessons to Learn from it

This poem was originally written for a Bethel College festival. During my sophmore year; there was some racial tension that was beginning to to show it's ugly head. I wrote this in response as a reflection.

“Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble.” (1 Peter 3:8 NIV).

I took a long journey to see where my ancestors from my past came and grew.
The search was hard and lonesome, for all my ancestors I never knew.
I was born amidst heartache and struggle, to the point where my family fled.
And while still in my mother’s womb, I could feel my father’s blood that was shed.
I was born in Thailand, but Cambodia will I always still call my home.
So let me share with you, the light and dark reflections I was shone.
I think we can learn from the mistakes of the past, if we could only reflect
And correct the errors, of which we still feel its effects.
Through many tears and sleepless nights, the problems that have plagued Cambodia still persists
In America’s school’s and culture, which is something we can no longer resist.
What is the cancer that has infected mankind, which at its root and core is sin?
Is nothing more than racism in form, which has come secretly and has quietly crept in.
Racism, isn’t just a thought or belief that one race is better than another race,
For God created only one race, which we would see if we looked in the face,
Of our fellow brothers and sisters, but let me make one point clear
That ethnicity and culture is not a race, but a common bond which people share.
Skin color, ethnicity or origin of birth, isn’t the cause which make us discriminate
Instead it’s an attitude and way of life, that we all possess which is innate.
We thought we learned from WW2, where the Nazis systematically genocide over 6 million Jews.
But in Cambodia under Pol Pot’s regime; over 2 million were killed by the Khmer Rouge.
We pretended from ignorance in WW2, and used the same thoughts and attitude
We promised nothing like what happened to the Jews, would ever happen to any group
But we knew what was happening, when we were giving aid and dropping in soup.
An ancient proverb once said, “If you kill the spirit the body will follow.”
If we looked around and saw the walking dead bodies whose spirits are hollow
Who see themselves already dead, and left in utter despair
Who think to themselves is there a Great Physician who can cure and repair?
We have that Great Physician whose name is Christ, and whose image we now bear
That’s become our precious jewel and treasure, and is our delight to share.
We should not only delight to share, but reflect the image of whose clothes we wear.
We wear Christ’s imputed righteousness, which was given to us by grace.
That changed our hearts and attitudes; but are other’s seeing Him in our face?
We become like those whom we spend the most time with; and whom we learn from most
Yet we wanted better teachers, than the great instructor the Holy Ghost.
If we would behold Christ’s glory, and change daily into His image
Then we could look and reflect, our heritage and our lineage.
As new creatures the old still remains, mortally wounded in our life,
Yet sin still wants to do damage, by slashing with a knife.
It may not do it to the body, for people know murder is bad in their hearts
But instead in subtle ways, sin will try to cut and rip apart
The spirit and attitudes that come from the wellspring of life
And even if possible to take us away from being Christ’s wife.
Our theme verse talked of being sympathetic and living in harmony with one another
Being compassionate and humble, loving each other as brothers.
A life characterized by this, racism has nowhere to lay its grip
Cambodia is a country still torn apart, where racism eats and rips
The fabric of the spirit of life that has allowed sin to wield its knife
Like Paul my heart’s desire and prayer is that they may be saved and have life
Racism is a grievous sin for its arrows target the value and pinnacle of God’s creation
And mocks God as creator, and clouds or love, community and human relations.
I don’t know where we’re heading, I just hope not in the footsteps in some of history’s past
But in a new direction, that show’s Christ love to others, which sustains and lasts.
Will Bethel learn from Cambodia’s dark history lesson, which is full of racism and oppression?
Or turn in a new direction, that’s directed by Christ’s steps to progression.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Seeing by Illumination

"For with you is the fountain of life,
In Your light we see light." Psalm 36:9

One of probably the top 3 influential thinkers of the 21 Century; C.S. Lewis once said, "I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." Lewis was a great apologist and author, and knew the life-changing, all-illuminating power of grace in his life.

I wonder today if Christianity was to be seen through lenses, how much mud and mire would distort the view. In a world where competing truth(s) are proclaimed and defended, how much of what with Christians respond to is considered and biblically true?

How much influence has the historic doctrine of the Logos (John1:1) played in our response to postmodern thinking? In our responses, how faithful to the testimony of scripture is our defense of Christianity? Isn't it true when the late Dr. Lloyd-Jones proclaims that much of our Christianity today is quite Christ-less. Where is the foundation of understanding and reasoning when Jesus reveals that He is the way, the truth and the life? With questions pertaining to salvation do we regard Jesus as the gate of salvation to a destination (Heaven), or merely someone who opens the gate that has many roads leading from it?

In trying to ecumenical in the realm of religion, it isn't merely whether or not we lose substance, but the essensce of our faith. It would be wise to heed the words of Jesus when He says it profits a man nothing to gain the whole world, but lose everything if he didn't possess Christ as His saviour. It will be useless for Christianity to be seen in the world as a religion of tolerance, and acceptance, if the cost for doing so means we lose our essential distinction: Jesus Christ.

Thank you Josh, for stirring up my mind, and heart, for the things of Christ; you are a blessing to His church.

Reflections on 1 Peter 1 & 2

Reflections on 1 Peter 1 & 2

By Christ’s wounds we were healed
And by His blood which purchased and sealed
Our inheritance, which is imperishable and undefiled
Even though if necessary we endure various trials.
Our faith, which is being tested by the fires,
Only strengthens our joy and desire.
We were once like straying sheep without direction,
Unable to know or show holy affections.
A time was appointed for the sufferings of Christ and the glories to follow
So grand a spectacle that angels long to look for tomorrow after tomorrow.
Although we have not seen Him, we love Him still
Makes the wait and the joy a greater thrill.
Though we have not seen Him, we still believe in Him
That on that glorious day not a space will be dim
With radiance of love, that is pure light
Even angels must cover their faces, for the glory’s too bright.
As an obedient child, Your standard shall be my delight
For when I see you, I shall see happiness in Your sight.
Be Holy, because You are Holy, is something I cannot do
Unless by Your grace and mercy the Holy Spirit enables me to.
I long to be with You, but as long as I remain on earth
I shall conduct myself in fear, like a child of new birth.
I’ve been redeemed not with perishables, like silver or gold
But with the blood of the spotless Christ, which no cup could hold.
By His death and resurrection, from the grave whence He depart,
Is alive and now living forever in my heart.
We are like grass, which fades and withers with the weather
But the Word of the Lord endures forever and ever.
Like newborn babies who crave pure mile from His Holy Book
And like deer who pant and drink from an endless brook,
Let me mature and be like Him who was rejected by men
Be grateful and thankful like the one leper out of ten.
Your not an ugly stone, but precious in God’s sight
Even before the ages began You were His daily delight.
I’m being built into a spiritual house that’s study and tall
For my foundation is solid, not a brick will fall.
He who believes in Him will not be disappointed
Is a treasured promise because He was anointed.
But this promise is only, for those who believe
A rock and an anchor, for our fears to be relieved.
Don’t be disobedient and fall into doom
For the time is coming, the hour very soon.
We are a chosen race, a royal priesthood
Let us share this good news to all neighborhoods.
We are a Holy nation, a people of God’s possession
Let us proclaim His great glory, by Christ’s life and death lesson.
We were once not a people, orphans with no option,
Until our loving Father told us we were His by adoption.
Not just adopted as sons and daughters, but heirs
To us He will freely give, if even His Son He did not spare.
For the Lord’s sake let us submit to every human institution in power
For obedience and long-suffering are our appointed hour.
Although we may suffer for doing good; by evil men
Let us remember they’re our neighbor, and friend.
And we will receive our prize, and the Lord’s favor
With a wreath that’s imperishable, and joy that doesn’t waver.
Let us learn from Christ’s example, who committed no sin
Only because there was no blemish, could God let us in
Into Heaven, our long awaited place,
So finally we can see Him face to face.

Treasure from the Wise


Why have you hidden treasure from the wise?
Who profess to have knowledge in their own eyes.
How good is knowledge if we can’t answer these questions?
Where were you when the Lord formed the heavens?
A twinkle in the eye, a dot on the page
He has been here from age to age.
Can you answer this, are you without sin?
Because if so God will let you in,
Into His presence and heavenly throne
For all eternity you shall call home.
No reply, because the answer is no
One moment of your life, it will clearly show.
I know of One, a spotless pure Lamb
Jesus Christ incarnate God becoming man.
To die on the cross, because of our defects
And to do the will of His Father, by gathering the elect.
Who is worthy enough to fulfill this plan?
The sinless Christ, the Son of Man.
So what good is knowledge, if you don’t believe
Come before Him like a child, so you can receive
His eternal gift and heavenly treasure
That you may enjoy it forever and ever.
But what does it mean to come like a child?
Humble, small, carefree or mild?
No, we must come helpless for all He give us,
There is no other way; this is a must.
When we trust Him for all our needs
Only then will there be fruit from seeds.
May we understand that it is faith alone,
And not knowledge that will take us home.

Job 38 & Isaiah 40:12


If pain and affliction were to happen today
What would I do and what would I say?
Hast my God forsaken me?
Would I in anger then curse thee?
To curse God would be so justly right
It would be o.k., in the worlds’ sight.
But who am I, to question Thee
That I can demand Thou answer me.
Where was I, when Thy breath gave life?
Or in laying the foundations of earth to show Your might.
Ignorant man look up at the heavens and see
All the stars named and numbered by Me.
If you could measure the stars in the breadth of your hand
Then in a court, before you I stand.
Can you measure the waters in the hollow of your hand?
Or can you send your Son as the Atoning Lamb?
If the answer is yes, then let the words like honey drip
But if it is no, then bite your lip.
Just remember who you’re talking to
That I must come and answer you.

Why O heart are you in such Sorrows?
Why O heart are you in such sorrows?
This is what it means to follow
Christ through, the narrow path
Not the wide road that leads to wrath.
He told us, He would suffer many things
To die on the cross, and reconcile the world to Him
He was beaten and bruised, forsaken by all
Yet remained obedient and faithful to His glorious call.
Not even death on that cursed tree
A conquering will, He would not flee
For He knew it was; His destiny
To die on the cross, for sinners like me.
He now reigns, at the Father’s right hand
His glory so great none can withstand.
But here I am, just a piece of clay
Sustaining mercy and grace I need for the day.
Life has dealt me great stress and pain
When all have left me, You still remain.
I can’t imagine a day without the hope I have
I think of others who don’t have it, and how they’re sad.
How can one endure life by finite power?
Who’s there to help you, in your darker hour?
When the waves come crashing, against your tower
Or who will drench you with a grace and mercy shower?
I know of one who’s the King of all Kings
Gentle as a dove, and soars with great wings.
The Lord is my refuge and strength, whom shall I fear?
Who reaches out and brings me safely here.
The Christian life is one of great struggles
For you are not asked; to live in a bubble.
The only guarantees, He gives to me
Is that I will suffer for His glory.
Whether to be broken or beaten with my face to the ground
I do not stop for my prize is that crown
That never loses its’ glory or ever fades away
But remains on my head forever and a day.
He’s told me to take, up my cross and just go
To where I don’t know, His Spirit will show.
He takes me in a boat, and says, “Row”
But it’s so hard because I feel the wind blow.
It’s not to my back, but right in my face
It knocks me around and puts me in place.
The wind makes the waves crash against this vessel
Weary and tired, I go to God and wrestle
For my safety, to get through the storm
And mold me like Christ so I will conform
To His will, wherever it may lead
It doesn’t matter whether I suffer or bleed.
Whether I suffer, or my life is destroyed
I count it all loss, and suffering as joy.
To know Christ is gain, and the world as rubbish
I would not fear, if those words were published.
My time may come, to an end anytime
How precious to know that Jesus is mine.
There’s a reason behind this suffering I know
One day God will let me bestow
Upon great mysteries too wonderful to see
But held there in Heaven unfolded for me.

A Lament

To you who read:

Pain and troubles you say, have overwhelmed and consumed the day,
As if you needed a life better than the one you’re given,
To think this view you will never start living,
The words of Piper are so sweet, that it would be shame if I not repeat
“Boasting is the voice of pride in the heart of the strong,
Self-Pity is the voice of pride in the heart of the weak.
Boasting sounds self-sufficient. Self-pity sounds self-sacrificing.”
If you don’t know the light that is shone, let me illustrate to take it home.
A Latin phrase in which I’ll share “Vincit qui patitur”
To those who don’t know this phrase,
I’ll tell you so you can save
The guilt and pit of what you feel
So you may live and start to deal.
It simply means, “He who suffers conquers”
Can you conceive the meaning of this?
Because if you then life is bliss
For when a right perspective is in place
Only then can you race the race
In such a way to win the prize
I’ll give you a glimpse to show you how
You see the boy on the other side
His silence so deafening it cannot hide
Why this pain? And how can this be?
The only answer I can see
Is I must trust in His sovereignty
That God is in control of all
To pick-up His children when they fall
Are you a real child of Christ?
Who died for our sins to pay the price,
Of eternal death which is our rightful place
But now Heaven, only by grace.
Since by grace you’ve been given eternal life,
Who do you trouble over things that are trife?
Do you not know His grace will sustain?
It never ceases so you may remain
In His bosom all of your days
Now walk in faith that you know is the way.
For narrow it is, which people don’t see
But narrow it must, for that it shall always be.
I hope this lament has helped you see,
Like the blind man, released and free.
If you haven’t I’ll pray for your sight
So you may see the joyous light.

Do we really need Christ when everything's o.k.?

Do we really need Christ when everything is o.k.?
Why does a person need Christ when everything is o.k.?
Or a Savior who will walk with them, every single day?
Your heath is good; there is not a worry in your life
But beware, a storm is coming that will cut like a knife.
It may be small, or it may be cancer, or death
But whatever it is, it will consume, all your breath.
Are you truly happy, living just the way that you are?
O is there a longing that’s so close, so near, but so far?
Do you sometimes ponder and think; is there more to this earth?
As if you can hear there’s a groaning, an echo, a cry of new birth.
Do you sometimes worry about tomorrow, and what it may bring?
Or are all your thoughts consumed only of you, and of your things?
Do friends make you happy, will they be there at all times?
Even at your death bed, will they come on a dime?
Look in the mirror, and behold what you see before you today
And image of outer beauty, that will someday fade away.
If looks won’t last, then truly it’s your health
But if that’s the case, then why is there death?
Can money buy you all things; that are under the sun?
And take you to places, that we remember were fun.
Even memories won’t last, look at Alzheimer’s disease
That person locked up inside, just longing to be freed.
Truly we can rely on our families, for blood is thicker than wine.
But we can remember that time, when our family declined
To help us when we most needed it, and they brushed us aside
And although we stood there happy, we just wanted to hide
To run away, from the hurt and pains, hidden from all to see
And sitting there alone; weeping, crying, under a tree.
Why do you worry, about what people think of you?
As if in their eyes, they’re the one’s who determine your value.
Why do we seek love in another, if there’s nothing in the end?
You know there’s more, that’s why you want a companion and friend.
To be there for you, to care and be your support
A shield around you, your comfort, your fort.
Though you may be young, we know age brings about weakness
That in the end, there’s no light, but only a cloud of darkness.
Do you not know the brevity of life, that’s contained within you and me?
If not, just turn on the news, and see that small child , killed on t.v.
There’s pain and suffering in this world, though so far you may have none.
But trust me, from experience, we all will have some.
And when that day comes, whom can you trust and lean on?
That after the chemo, your energy, and strength are all gone.
You may not experience cancer, there are things that are far worse
Perhaps a blind person, walking aimlessly, without direction or course.
What is the meaning of life if there is no purpose behind the life we are living?
And why do we want to help the poor, by our donations and our giving?
We know deep down inside that helping others, makes us happy too
Even if because of our fear or pride, we really don’t want to admit to.
If making someone smile and laugh, or vice versa for you
Is the sum of all this life is, I hope there is more too.
Smiles come, and wrinkles with time and years
Laughs become cold, when there’s something we fear.
Is it death; loneliness, heartache, suffering, or a dark shadow of doubt?
That perhaps all these years, there lies something more that you wished you thought about
Like death, and life; what happens beyond the grave of this earth?
And you wish you were young, like a child of new birth
That has long days ahead of them, not a care in their life
Who won’t have to endure; suffering, cancer, or strife.
Don’t we all know the toil of work; that our hands always do?
And don’t we know that it’s easier, when there is not one, but two?
This life is but toil; even our happiness won’t last and endure
For this world is blind in their sight, tainted, impure.
We were never created to live forever in joy, merely in this place
But to be happy forever, with no pains, by beholding His face.
Whose face should we behold, that promises these things?
No one else, but Christ, our hope, and treasure within.
Can you really live without God, and if yes, just look at the sun
It rises every morning, and is sustained because of the power of His Son.
Who was bruised, and afflicted, pierced in His hands and His feet
It was upon that Cross, where our sins, and God’s judgment meet.
God declared us not guilty, there’s no condemnation because of our sin
And said, this is effective, if by faith, you’ll accept Christ within
Your heart, and make Him your one and only true desire and treasure
And He will bring you joy, and happiness that is beyond all measure.
I’m not saying true joy is of things of this world, and life
But better, you’ve become a part of the Church, His bride and His wife.
He will care for you, like nothing you have ever felt or seen before
And when you have sorrows and pain, an invitation hangs above the door
To come in, and pour out all your pains, requests, and things that do harm
And He will listen and answer you, by taking you under the love of His arms.
He will carry you, and you will soar like an eagle with new wings and sight
And be strengthened by His mercy, His grace, His love, and His might.
Don’t think you’ll be spared of suffering, whether cancer or from man
But have faith, wait in hope, for our God has the most perfect plan
That requires suffering, not as a curse, but really a gift
That when you experience it, your eyes may look and lift
To the Cross, where your Savior hung on that tree and died
And God is saying to you, “Wait, be still, and one day you will be glorified.”
With a new body, no more pain, or suffering, free from all sin
And Heaven’s gates will be open, with Christ walking you in.
In there is infinite joy, not a cry or tear can or will be found
And as part of your inheritance, you’ll receive a treasure; a crown
That never will fade, it’s imperishable, won’t rust nor decay
If only Christ is your anchor, your hope, and your stay.
On the Cross; Christ purchased every blessing in the spiritual realms
And the Holy Spirit will impart to His children, for God is at the helm.
You may ask yourself is not every person a child of the Creator?
The answer is no, because of our sin, we have become traitors.
Instead of trusting on God for everything we will ever need
In pride, we wanted to become gods for ourselves, indeed.
There is only one true and holy, infinite, wise, and loving One
And it is the One, who sent His only Begotten Son.
To die for His sheep, to gather those who are still lost
Even if to the point of Christ’s death, God knew the cost
It would take to wipe away all the sins we have done
Not counting them against us, but imputing them upon His Son.
He became our sins, even though He was spotless without stain
And God did not spare, even His own Son of the pain.
For He knew that without it, the guilt and sentence would still remain
Upon our heads as “guilty,” because sin is an infinite distain
Against an all holy God, whom of sin, He has no desire
No darkness within Him, He is the all-consuming fire.
Yes He is angry at sin, but even more He is loving towards us
And gives us mercy, and grace, free not that He must.
That fact that He shows mercy at all, is enough to give praise
And if you believe in Christ, on that last day you’ll be raised
Just like Christ, surrounded by infinite joy and glory
The happy ending to a long and eventful story.
But the story doesn’t end there; this was just a chapter of the whole
Because in Heaven, there are infinite chapters waiting to unfold.
Only this time paradise, without cancer, grief, pains or sorrows
And only infinite joy and happiness, tomorrow after tomorrows.
Are you still telling yourself that you don’t need Christ now?
If so, just stop and reflect, look deep within, and ask yourself how?
Will you be able to withstand all of life’s arrows that are pointed your way?
And I ask you again, who will be your anchor, your hope, and your stay?
Do you what the difference between a Christian, and a non-Christian who suffers?
A non-Christian looks to himself, and a Christian looks to Another
For help, because he knows he can’t do it by himself, and knows he isn’t alone
The suffering is but a thorn that pushes the veil aside, so God’s glory may be shone.
For a non-Christian the suffering is real and lasts
For the Christian, superficial something that will past
Perhaps not in this life, but in the life that is to come
And for the non-Christian his sufferings will not be done.
It lasts forever, in the torment of the flames of Hell
And God will not save you, no matter how hard you yell.
He is patience not wanting anyone to suffer the anguish that lies in those flames
But He does rescue us, if only by faith we’ll call upon Jesus’ name
As our Savior, our Lord, our pardon from sin we’ve done
He has become our treasure, this is God’s Son.
If we accept Christ, we have become a child of God, adopted an heir
But the benefits of what all that implies just doesn’t stop there.
All that Christ has will be ours for our infinite joy and delight
For He is able to give us this, because of His might.
What room is there left for boasting and use for this verb?
It is by grace you’ve been saved, it’s something you don’t deserve.
This grace was not cheap, but purchased bought by a price
Christ’s blood, was the ransom it cost Him His life.
So when life’s storms come crashing, to whom will you run?
Will you look for comfort in man, or a conquering and risen Son?
Right now you may only experience the calm that comes before such dread
But remember when it takes your life; God will judge the living and the dead.
And either He’ll say, “Enter my rest, good and faithful servant, my love, my delight”
Or will He’ll say, “Depart, for I never knew you, get away, forever from my sight.”
To which phrase will He say to you, when you’re dead, and you don’t know when
Will He call you a traitor, or will He call you His friend?
The moment is now, the time of horror and judgment is drawing near
If you accept Christ as your treasure, whom shall you fear?
Even if because of sin, you’ve been damaged beyond repair
Just remember, it is Christ’s imputed righteousness that you now wear.
And how do we know, that we’ll remain and won’t defect?
It is because you’re a child now, an heir, part of the elect.
God will work so mightily in your life to conform to His good pleasure and will
And He’ll give you all the grace and mercy needed to die well if the suffering does kill.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Sweeter than Honey: Unlocking the Treasures of God's Word

The Psalmist writes in chapter 119:103,

"How sweet are Your words to my taste! Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth!"

There was nothing greater the writer could compare how majestic and awesome the Word of God was than to describe it in terms of the sweetest thing he knew from his own experience. All the words we could ascribe to God would be but a drop in the ocean of whom God is, and worthy of. Even so, God has graciously given us not just merely a glimpse but Himself, in the form of the God-Man Jesus Christ as is recorded in His Holy Word. With a veil that still shrouds our clear and unfiltered understanding of all things until the fullness of time, God has not left us to our own accord. His Spirit is constantly working to bear forth the truth of the Gospel as is contained in scripture.
There is nothing greater we could attain or accomplish in this whole universe than to glorify God. When the Spirit unlocks for us truth contained in His Word, the satisfaction and taste is utterly more-glorious, far-surpassing, and beyond all comprehension of what sweet really means. Therefore, this blog is about unlocking the vast treasures contained in God's Word so, God's people(s) may enjoy not just the sweetness that comes from knowing and beholding the truth, but more importantly the Source and Giver of such truth(s); namely God Himself.
I believe that Reformed theology is a system that constantly endevours to maintain a right order of wisdom and knowledge. As John Calvin says,
"Our wisdom, in so far as it ought to be deemed true and solid wisdom, consists almost entirely of two parts: the knowledge of God, and of ourselves."
"But thought the knowledge of God and the knowledge of ourselves are bound together by a mutual tie due arrangement requires that we treat of the former in the first place, and then descend to the latter."

Hence, true Reformed theology (or Calvinism, or Doctrines of Grace; as some like to refer to it) is nothing more than given God His due. It maintains that God is still on His throne and abhors any notion or thought that allows man to try to ascend that throne. It is utterly God-centered, Jesus-centered, Spirit-centered, Word-centered, and Grace-centered. It acknowledges that the streams of living water as are good and pleasant to the soul; and moves beyond that to seek out the source from where such goodness and refreshment flow from. Unless the Giver is given His due honor and not merely the gift(s) enjoyed, God is not glorified.

My prayer is that through this site we may mutally encourage each other, through dialogue, encouragement, disagreement (at times; for it can and should lead to understanding and love), and prayer. May God reign supreme in all things and we enjoy and be satisfied in Him alone.

A fellow Pilgrim,
Tony Sok