Thoughts from a Reformed and Charismatic Cambodian

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Sweeter than Honey: Unlocking the Treasures of God's Word

The Psalmist writes in chapter 119:103,

"How sweet are Your words to my taste! Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth!"

There was nothing greater the writer could compare how majestic and awesome the Word of God was than to describe it in terms of the sweetest thing he knew from his own experience. All the words we could ascribe to God would be but a drop in the ocean of whom God is, and worthy of. Even so, God has graciously given us not just merely a glimpse but Himself, in the form of the God-Man Jesus Christ as is recorded in His Holy Word. With a veil that still shrouds our clear and unfiltered understanding of all things until the fullness of time, God has not left us to our own accord. His Spirit is constantly working to bear forth the truth of the Gospel as is contained in scripture.
There is nothing greater we could attain or accomplish in this whole universe than to glorify God. When the Spirit unlocks for us truth contained in His Word, the satisfaction and taste is utterly more-glorious, far-surpassing, and beyond all comprehension of what sweet really means. Therefore, this blog is about unlocking the vast treasures contained in God's Word so, God's people(s) may enjoy not just the sweetness that comes from knowing and beholding the truth, but more importantly the Source and Giver of such truth(s); namely God Himself.
I believe that Reformed theology is a system that constantly endevours to maintain a right order of wisdom and knowledge. As John Calvin says,
"Our wisdom, in so far as it ought to be deemed true and solid wisdom, consists almost entirely of two parts: the knowledge of God, and of ourselves."
"But thought the knowledge of God and the knowledge of ourselves are bound together by a mutual tie due arrangement requires that we treat of the former in the first place, and then descend to the latter."

Hence, true Reformed theology (or Calvinism, or Doctrines of Grace; as some like to refer to it) is nothing more than given God His due. It maintains that God is still on His throne and abhors any notion or thought that allows man to try to ascend that throne. It is utterly God-centered, Jesus-centered, Spirit-centered, Word-centered, and Grace-centered. It acknowledges that the streams of living water as are good and pleasant to the soul; and moves beyond that to seek out the source from where such goodness and refreshment flow from. Unless the Giver is given His due honor and not merely the gift(s) enjoyed, God is not glorified.

My prayer is that through this site we may mutally encourage each other, through dialogue, encouragement, disagreement (at times; for it can and should lead to understanding and love), and prayer. May God reign supreme in all things and we enjoy and be satisfied in Him alone.

A fellow Pilgrim,
Tony Sok


Blogger Aaron said...

Ahh...the joy of being the first commenter on what will surely become The Most Read Blog by scholars and pastors! You are a great encouragement to me Tony, I look forward to much dialogue leading to mutual edification.
Yours in Christ,

12:49 PM


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